
Pricing plans for servers of all sizes

Choose an affordable plan packed with features that perfectly fits the needs of your server. All plans come with base access and unlimited customer support.


Recommended for new servers or anyone who wants to try it out and see a difference.


Buy plan
  • 7 day access
  • Customer support
  • Framework agnostic
  • In-game admin menu


Recommended for smaller-medium sized servers that may not be fully established yet.


Buy plan
  • 30 day access
  • Customer support
  • Framework agnostic
  • In-game admin menu


Recommended for medium-larger sized servers who need access to longer-term security.


Buy plan
  • 90 day access
  • Customer support
  • Framework agnostic
  • In-game admin menu


Recommended for larger servers ready to commit to advanced security for their server.


Buy plan
  • Lifetime access
  • Customer support
  • Framework agnostic
  • In-game admin menu

Frequently asked questions